You can support our organization by becoming a subscriber (€20 annually) or by sending a donation of any amount. You can send funds to our administration, or make deposits in one of the accounts we hold at Alpha Bank or Eurobank.
You can support our organization by becoming a subscriber (€20 annually) or by sending a donation of any amount. You can send funds to our administration, or make deposits in one of the accounts we hold at Alpha Bank or Eurobank.
You can support our organization by becoming a subscriber (€20 annually) or by sending a donation of any amount. You can send funds to our administration, or make deposits in one of the accounts we hold at Alpha Bank or Eurobank.
On the 16th and 17th of December 2014, the Panos & Cressida4Life organized three Christmas celebrations with music and singing. We distributed food and gifts in Keratsini: 1st Special Elementary School in Perama: 1st Primary School at N. Iconium and the 6th Primary School, and Drapetsona: 1st Special Elementary School..